Wednesday 27 July 2011


1-      White flour one cup.
2-      Baking powder half teaspoon.
3-      One egg.
4-      Yellow food colour (Pinch).
5-      Four cups water.
6-      Sugar two cups.
7-      Milk one cup.
8-      Cooking oil two cups or ghee.
9-      One table spoon sugar.
10-  Cardamom powder half teaspoon.
1-      In a bowl make a mixture of white flour, baking powder, egg, food colour, one
Table spoon sugar and pinch of cardamom powder.
2-      In a pan heat ghee.
3-      In an other pan add cardamom powder, water and sugar also heat on medium flame.
4-      In a peeping bag pour mixture.
5-      Make Jalebi  in ghee when look golden put into the shera.

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